
Sweet potato pizza

For fans of piz­za, this is a very healt­hy ver­si­on that not only plea­ses the pala­te, but also the liver. Top­ped with your favo­ri­te vege­ta­bles, it’s a wel­co­me way to use sweet potatoes. 
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Toma­to sauce: 


  • 1 small zucchini
  • 3–4 toma­toes
  • 1 half pepper 
  • other vege­ta­bles of your choice, e.g. E.g. egg­plant, mush­rooms, oni­ons, broccoli


Pre­heat the oven to 200°C.

Peel and dice the sweet pota­toes. Steam in a pot with a steam­er insert until soft, about 10–15 minu­tes. Mash the sweet pota­toes with a pota­to mas­her or fork and mea­su­re out 1 cup. Set the rest asi­de for ano­ther recipe. 

Put the sweet pota­to puree with the arrow­root starch, coco­nut flour and spi­ces in a bowl and mix the dough well until it has a uni­form consistency. 

To make the toma­to sau­ce, whisk the toma­to pas­te, spi­ces and water in a small bowl. 

Line a bak­ing tray with bak­ing paper and shape the sweet pota­to dough into a round piz­za. Bake in the oven for about 20–25 minu­tes, depen­ding on how cris­py you want the crust to be. 

Take the pre-baked piz­za out of the oven and spread it with the toma­to sau­ce. Sli­ce the zuc­chi­ni and pep­pers and cut the toma­toes into sli­ces or pie­ces. Spread the vege­ta­bles on the piz­za base and bake again in the oven for about 10 minu­tes until the edges are light­ly brown. 

After bak­ing, top with fresh aru­gu­la or basil. 

Bon appe­tit!


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