
Sweet potato tortilla soup

This twist on Mexi­can tor­til­la soup is rich in deli­cious fla­vors while still being a fil­ling meal. The addi­ti­on of sweet pota­toes gives it even more heal­ing nut­ri­ents and an extra dose of flavor. 
Sweet potato tortilla soup in a bowl
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Ingre­di­ents for 2 ser­vings:


Dice the oni­ons, chop the gar­lic and com­bi­ne in one coa­ted cera­mic pot Sau­té over medi­um heat wit­hout fat, adding a litt­le water, for 3 to 5 minu­tes until translucent. 

Next add the chop­ped toma­toes, medi­cinal broth or water, toma­to pas­te, chip­ot­le pow­der, cumin, cori­an­der, papri­ka and map­le syrup. Clo­se the lid and sim­mer for 20 minutes. 

Final­ly, add the sweet pota­to cubes and the lime juice and cook for ano­ther 10 minu­tes until the sweet pota­toes are nice and soft. 

Pour the soup into deep pla­tes and deco­ra­te with chop­ped cori­an­der and a few oni­on rings. 

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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