
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:


White plate with tiramisu

Admit­ted­ly, this tira­mi­su isn’t even made straight, but it can be ide­al­ly pre­pared the day befo­re a par­ty and then has the neces­sa­ry time to finish. A sump­tuous des­sert that is defi­ni­te­ly worth the litt­le extra effort requi­red to prepa­re it. 

Glass bowl with fig cookies
Fig cookies 

The­se fig coo­kies tas­te ama­zing and pro­vi­de gre­at sup­port for a healt­hy body. The pot­as­si­um and sodium con­tai­ned in figs sup­port neu­ro­trans­mit­ters, syn­ap­ses and neu­rons in the brain. In addi­ti­on, the phy­to­che­mi­cals con­tai­ned in figs help the immu­ne sys­tem in the intesti­nes to func­tion well.

Bowl with vanilla croissants
Vanil­la crescents 

Vanil­la cre­s­cents go won­derful­ly with the Christ­mas sea­son. This com­pli­ant ver­si­on does not requi­re but­ter and the cre­s­cents still turn out won­derful­ly crum­bly and fluffy. Natu­ral­ly com­pli­ant with glu­ten-free flour and real vanilla.

5 Wild Blueberry Muffins
Wild blueber­ry muffins 

The­se are glu­ten-free, dairy-free, and egg-free muf­fins with the power of wild blueber­ries. They con­tain much more nut­ri­ents, anti­oxi­dants and heal­ing pro­per­ties than cul­ti­va­ted blueber­ries. Wild blueber­ries are to the liver what breast milk is to a baby.
