
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:


Plate of spicy potatoes with cucumber in tomato-mustard sauce
Spi­cy pota­toes with cucum­ber in toma­to-mus­tard sauce 

If you’­re in a hur­ry, then this spi­cy pota­to spe­cial­ty is a good choice. Spi­cy and with a frui­ty-spi­cy note, the dish is also inex­pen­si­ve and par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for sum­mer, when toma­toes and cucum­bers are in peak season. 

Bowl of baked tomato soup
Baked toma­to soup with pota­to croutons 

This easy to prepa­re baked toma­to soup is a tru­ly deli­cious tre­at thanks to the heat of the chi­li, the sweet­ness of the honey and the spi­ce of the gar­lic. The cris­py pota­to crou­tons trans­form the soup into a full-fled­ged main course.

Glass with mood shifter
Mood Shifter 

Do you suf­fer from irri­ta­bi­li­ty, frus­tra­ti­on or moo­di­ness? Do you feel depres­sed and need a pick-me-up? Are you easi­ly emo­tio­nal­ly unba­lan­ced? Then try the Mood Shif­ter Brain Shot. 

Cra­vings Shifter 

Do you suf­fer from food cra­vings that just won’t satia­te? Do you need help redu­cing your fat inta­ke? Would you like to kick your caf­feine or salt addic­tion? Then try this Cra­vings Shif­ter Brain Shot. 

Medical Medium® Brain Shot Speaking Your Truth
Spea­king Your Truth 

Do you want to get in bet­ter touch with your own truth? Or are you afraid to know the truth about some­thing? Even if you feel sup­pres­sed and not heard, this Spea­king Your Truth Brain Shot is a good choice. 

Glass with Mold Exposure Brain Shot
Mold Exposure 

This Mold Expo­sure Brain Shot is very hel­pful if you have come into cont­act with mold. Be it through living in a mol­dy home, inha­ling mold from clot­hing, or eating mol­dy food. 
