
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:


A crispy fat-free potato waffle on a blue and white plate
Fat-free pota­to waffles 

Simp­le as it gets! With just two ingre­di­ents you can con­ju­re up deli­cious, cris­py waf­f­les that tas­te deli­cious at any time of the day and pro­vi­de the body with heal­ing ingredients. 

Rolled potato wraps filled with lettuce and sprouts
Pota­to wraps 

Wraps with an unu­su­al coa­ting made from pota­to dough make this deli­cious meal a healt­hy tre­at. Pota­toes are rich in bio­ac­ti­ve lys­i­ne, vit­amin B6 and potassium. 

Vegan potato salad with lamb's lettuce
Vegan pota­to casserole 

For fans of cre­a­my pota­to cas­se­ro­les, this vegan ver­si­on is a must. Cas­hew nuts make the deli­cious sau­ce nice and cre­a­my, but the fat con­tent is still quite low. Very fil­ling and sui­ta­ble for child­ren too.

Pota­to piz­za boats 

Pota­toes can help lower the viral load in the body when pre­pared wit­hout adding fat. This reci­pe once again shows the ver­sa­ti­li­ty of this won­derful tuber.

Potato pizza with vegetables
Piz­za made from pota­to dough 

This piz­za based on pota­to dough is a plea­su­re wit­hout reg­rets. It does not con­tain glu­ten or grains and does not con­tain any radi­cal fats. 

Zuc­chi­ni lasagne 

The clas­sic as a plant-based ver­si­on. Fresh toma­to sau­ce and fat-free pota­to cream make this vegan zuc­chi­ni lasa­gne a won­derful­ly light and com­pli­ant ver­si­on wit­hout glu­ten and milk. 

Ched­dar broc­co­li soup 

The cre­a­my con­sis­ten­cy of this soup is remi­nis­cent of mel­ted ched­dar cheese. In con­trast to the chee­sy ori­gi­nal, this is a tre­at that does not feed viru­s­es or pathogens.

Car­rot and zuc­chi­ni pota­to pancakes 

There’s no chan­ce of get­ting bored here, as the­se buf­fers are very ver­sa­ti­le. Whe­ther with a mixed salad, baked with sal­sa or as a top­ping on rolls, they are always a hit! 

Hash browns 

The cris­py crust makes the­se redu­ced-fat pota­to ros­ti a deli­cious meal. If you don’t use fat at all when fry­ing, then sugar-free app­le­sauce is a per­fect addition. 

Bowl of Italian potato salad
Ita­li­an pota­to salad 

This refres­hing pota­to salad with a hint of lemon does not con­tain any fat, vin­egar or other no-foods such as eggs. It’s cheap and easy to prepa­re, fil­ling and also goes down well at parties.
