
The fat-free morning

The “fat-free mor­ning” allows your liver and the rest of your body to con­ti­nue deto­xi­fy­ing mid-mor­ning. Today we are expo­sed to count­less toxins and the­r­e­fo­re it is impe­ra­ti­ve to sup­port our bodies with appro­pria­te measures. 
Click on the image to watch the video.

The­re are so many things that bother us on our pla­net (patho­gens, toxins, unhe­alt­hy foods, stress and so much more) and the­r­e­fo­re this help for our bodies is urgen­tly nee­ded. Even if you’­re fee­ling strong and healt­hy right now, mor­ning cle­an­sing will help boost your immu­ne sys­tem so it can bet­ter pro­tect you from any­thing that might come your way in the future.
The “fat-free mor­ning” gives your enti­re body the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get rid of toxins and heal. The day starts with half a liter of lemon water (juice of half a lemon to 1/2 liter of water. The lemon water flus­hes the resul­ting deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on pro­ducts from the liver and makes it pos­si­ble for them to be effec­tively excre­ted. The lemon water should not be drunk hot , becau­se the water loses its liveli­ne­ss at high tem­pe­ra­tures and lemon water can no lon­ger ful­fill its main task of cle­an­sing the liver. But that does­n’t mean that lemon juice in hot tea, for exam­p­le, does­n’t give you any bene­fits. It no lon­ger has the power cle­an­se the liver, but still pro­vi­des you with important nut­ri­ents like vit­amin C and calcium. 

After a 20 minu­te break, add 1/2 liter of fresh­ly squeezed cele­ry juice. Then wait at least half an hour befo­re eating your first meal or smoothie. 

Why does detoxification even have to happen? 

You may be won­de­ring: Why do we actual­ly need to deto­xi­fy our bodies? Doesn’t our body do this natu­ral­ly? The ans­wer is. Yes, he does his best! Howe­ver, today we are expo­sed to count­less toxins and it is the­r­e­fo­re impe­ra­ti­ve to sup­port our body in the deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on pro­cess with appro­pria­te mea­su­res. Wit­hout the right tools, our body can often no lon­ger cope with the toxins.
Oli­ve oil is not a sui­ta­ble tool becau­se it forces the liver to pro­du­ce bile. A “working” liver CANNOT deto­xi­fy effec­tively at the same time!
Caf­feine also cau­ses your body’s detox pro­cess to be inter­rupt­ed. The adre­na­line cau­sed by caf­feine is so toxic that the liver imme­dia­te­ly stops its deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on work and absorbs the cor­ro­si­ve adre­na­line. If you can’t give up your cof­fee, drink it later in the day.
Howe­ver, not eating any­thing at all is not the solu­ti­on. If you don’t eat any­thing, your body ine­vi­ta­b­ly has to com­pen­sa­te for the lack of glu­co­se and mine­ral salt inta­ke with a release of adre­na­line, which in turn stops your body’s deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on process.

The liver rescue smoothie

An opti­mal opti­on for the fat-free mor­ning is the liver res­cue smoothie: 

opti­on A

Vari­ant B

This is also very popu­lar and sui­ta­ble Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie as a break­fast, which is very fil­ling and at the same time repres­ents the most effec­ti­ve way to safe­ly remo­ve unwan­ted and dise­a­se-caus­ing hea­vy metals from the enti­re body. 

Oat­me­al or mil­let wit­hout an addi­tio­nal source of fat is also fine. Alt­hough they con­tain a litt­le more fat than, for exam­p­le, fruits or vege­ta­bles, it is still pos­si­ble for the liver to deto­xi­fy a little.

Wild blueberry porridge

Place mil­let, water and cin­na­mon in a small sau­ce­pan, stir and bring to a boil. Add more water if neces­sa­ry. Redu­ce to a sim­mer, cover, and cook until ten­der, about 10 to 15 minu­tes, stir­ring occa­sio­nal­ly. As soon as it boils, remo­ve the pot from the heat, cover and let it rest for a few minu­tes.
Alter­na­tively, add the oats, water and cin­na­mon to a small sau­ce­pan and bring to a sim­mer. Add more water if neces­sa­ry. Cook for 5–10 minu­tes until the oats are soft. Stir in the wild blueber­ries and map­le syrup and ser­ve sprink­led with 2 tab­les­poons of blueberries.

Type 2 dia­be­tes occurs when the liver beco­mes slug­gish, for exam­p­le due to toxins and a long-stan­ding high-fat diet. This means that the liver’s bile pro­duc­tion decrea­ses and the fats can no lon­ger be bro­ken down accor­din­gly. As soon as the liver suf­fers, the pan­cre­as auto­ma­ti­cal­ly wea­k­ens. It is forced to pro­du­ce more insu­lin due to the increased amount of fat in the blood.

The pan­cre­as also suf­fers when a lot of fat is con­su­med on a dai­ly basis. An addi­tio­nal­ly wea­k­en­ed liver is a night­ma­re for any pancreas.

For tho­se who want an even more sub­stan­ti­al opti­on for a fat-free mor­ning, our favo­ri­te aut­hor recom­mends the pota­to pan. 

Fat-free potato pan


To prepa­re it, brief­ly fry the oni­ons and gar­lic in a cera­mic pan (if neces­sa­ry add a litt­le water so that they don’t burn). Then add the pota­to cubes, pep­pers and spi­ces and fry the vege­ta­bles until they are soft. Final­ly, sea­son with lemon juice and sprink­le with coriander. 

With the­se dif­fe­rent opti­ons, you have the right tools in your hand to gent­ly deto­xi­fy your body in a safe and effec­ti­ve way. 

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