
Tzatziki & Dips

With the­se three dif­fe­rent dips the­re should be some­thing for ever­yo­ne. Vegan tzat­zi­ki made from cau­li­flower, cre­a­my cas­hew sau­ce and aro­ma­tic tahi­ni dip go per­fect­ly with pota­toes with vege­ta­bles, in pota­to wraps or a con­for­mal pota­to kebab. 
Glass bowl with tzatziki

Cau­li­flower tzat­zi­ki (fat-free)

  • 300g cau­li­flower
  • 20 g pee­led pars­nip (for a more deli­ca­te taste)
  • 4 tbsp fresh­ly squeezed lemon juice
  • 3 small cloves of gar­lic (or less so it does­n’t get too spicy)
  • 100 g pee­led cucumber 
  • optio­nal: 1/2 tsp map­le syrup
  • optio­nal: some chop­ped dill
  • optio­nal: fresh­ly ground black pep­per


Wash the cau­li­flower, divi­de it into flo­rets and peel the pars­nips and cut them into pie­ces. Steam in a pot with a steam­er insert for 15 minu­tes until soft. Allow to cool slight­ly. Peel the gar­lic and chop rough­ly. Puree the lemon juice and gar­lic tog­e­ther with the stea­m­ed vege­ta­bles until very creamy. 

Gra­te the cucum­ber into fine sticks and mix with the pure­ed mix­tu­re. Sea­son with map­le syrup, chop­ped dill and a litt­le pep­per. Let it sit in the fri­dge for ano­ther hour. 

This tzat­zi­ki goes par­ti­cu­lar­ly well with oven-baked vege­ta­bles or stea­m­ed potatoes. 

Source: Heal­ing paths

Garlic Tahini Dressing

Puree all ingre­di­ents in a blen­der until smooth. The dres­sing lasts for 1 week in the fri­dge and goes per­fect­ly with all salads. 


Cashew sauce

Soak the cas­hews in water for 2–4 hours. Then pour away the water and rin­se the seeds again. Cut the spring oni­on into pie­ces and mix it tog­e­ther with the remai­ning ingre­di­ents and the cas­hews in a blen­der until very cre­a­my. Depen­ding on the desi­red con­sis­ten­cy, add a litt­le more water. 

The deli­cious sau­ce is ide­al with all vege­ta­bles and pota­toes and also goes very well Pota­to wraps or hear­ty fil­led pancakes.

Bon appe­tit!

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