
Vegan cream cheese with dill

Cas­hews form the basis of this ver­sa­ti­le, vegan cream cheese. It can be used in a varie­ty of ways, be it as a spread, as a dip for oven-baked vege­ta­bles or as a sau­ce for vegan kebabs and wraps. 
Glass bowl with vegan cream cheese
Click on the image to watch the video.



Puree all ingre­di­ents except the dill in a blen­der. Fold in the dill at the end. 

Goes won­derful­ly as a dip for baked vege­ta­bles, as a spread and also as a sau­ce for vegan kebabs or wraps. 

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Munee­za Ahmed

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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