
Vitamin C shock

The vit­amin C shock appli­ca­ti­on is recom­men­ded to sup­port the body. 
Micro-C, lemon, orange, honey for vitamin C shock therapy

Vitamin C shock application for adults

  • As an adult give the con­tents of 2 ope­ned 500 mg Micro‑C cap­su­les along with 2 tsp Honey and one fresh­ly pres­sed Oran­ge in 250 ml water (pre­fer­a­b­ly warm)
  • alter­na­ti­ve to Honey you can too map­le syrup use. The alter­na­ti­ve to Oran­ges are Lemons
  • The spe­cial glu­co­se in Honey and map­le syrup and fresh­ly squeezed citrus fruits bind vit­amin C and trans­port it into the cells and organs
  • You can drink the mix­tu­re every 2 hours (while awake).
  • After 2 days, you can return to your ori­gi­nal dosa­ge of vit­amin C or con­ti­nue using it until you no lon­ger have any sym­ptoms from the flu or cold virus
  • If you want, you can take more than 2 cap­su­les each Micro‑C use

Vitamin C shock application for children

  • 1 to 2 years: 1 cap­su­le every 6 hours during the day Micro‑C (500 mg) in 120 ml water, plus 1 teas­poon pure Honey and juice of 1/2 orange. 
  • 3 to 4 years: 1 cap­su­le every 5 hours during the day Micro‑C (500 mg) in 120 ml water, plus 1 tsp natu­ral Honey and juice of 1 orange. 
  • 5 to 8 years: 1 cap­su­le every 4 hours during the day Micro‑C (500 mg) in 240 ml water, plus 2 tsp natu­ral Honey and juice of 1 orange. 
  • 9 to 12 years: 1 cap­su­le every 2 hours during the day Micro‑C (500 mg) in 240 ml water, plus 2 teas­poons pure honey and juice of 1 Oran­ge.
  • 13 years and older: 2 cap­su­les every 3 hours during the day Micro‑C (per 500 mg) in 240 ml water, plus 2 tsp natu­ral Honey and juice from 1 Oran­ge.

Note: The quan­ti­ties given are the recom­men­da­ti­ons of our favo­ri­te aut­hor. We our­sel­ves can­not give any recom­men­da­ti­ons here, as in Ger­ma­ny this is only reser­ved for doc­tors and alter­na­ti­ve practitioners. 

For even more effec­ti­ve sup­port against flu and colds, in addi­ti­on to the vit­amin C shock appli­ca­ti­on, you can also use it Zinc shock appli­ca­ti­on be appli­ed.

Source: Heal yours­elf


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