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What your chair says about your health!

Have you ever heard that a healt­hy chair has to sink towards the bot­tom of the toi­let? But can that real­ly be? The stools of many peo­p­le who com­plain of mul­ti­ple chro­nic sym­ptoms beco­me droo­py. Can a sick per­son have healt­hy stools? 

Is a sinking chair really healthier?

No, a real­ly healt­hy stool should float and not sink to the bot­tom, becau­se in a healt­hy stool only the fiber is lar­ge­ly left (diar­rhea is of cour­se an excep­ti­on). If this is the case for you, then you not only con­su­me enough fiber, you also have a well-func­tio­ning diges­ti­on that can pro­per­ly uti­li­ze all the nut­ri­ents. Ins­tead, a rapidly sin­king stool is full of undi­gested fats and pro­te­ins. This can indi­ca­te that the liver is no lon­ger ful­ly effi­ci­ent and the pro­duc­tion of bile, which is cru­cial for the absorp­ti­on of fats, is no lon­ger func­tio­ning ade­qua­te­ly. Life Chan­ging Foods (p.287). Kind­le version).

But: Not every sinking chair is fundamentally bad!

Don’t stress about sin­king stools. It hap­pens that the liver inten­tio­nal­ly gets rid of excess fat to pro­tect you, not becau­se it has problems.

So if you’­ve com­mit­ted to a healt­hy diet but your stools are still sin­king, then your body is most likely still get­ting rid of old, ran­cid fats and pro­te­ins from the liver and lar­ge and small intesti­nes. If you have had an unhe­alt­hy diet for over 20 years, it can take up to 10 years for your stool to float accor­din­gly. (see. Insta­gram Live from Decem­ber 5th, 2021).

Inter­mit­tent stress can also lead to hea­vy and sin­king stools (Life-Chan­ging Foods (p.287). Hay House. Kind­le version). 

If you have a varie­ty of diges­ti­ve pro­blems and suf­fer from exces­si­ve gas for­ma­ti­on, your stool may even float wit­hout being healt­hy. Too much ammo­nia gases also cau­se the stool to beco­me ligh­ter and float (cf. You­Tube Live from Janu­ary 25th, 2022).

But doesn’t fat float at the top?

Now you might say: “Something’s wrong, I’ve always lear­ned that fat floats on top” (exam­p­le: oli­ve oil). But here’s a litt­le self-test: Fill a glass with water and add almond but­ter, pea­nut but­ter, tahi­ni, cho­co­la­te or almonds to the water. As a result, you will noti­ce: every sin­gle food will sink to the bot­tom of the glass and every sin­gle food will have a very high fat con­tent at the same time!
So if you eat healt­hi­ly for a long time, your stool will even­tual­ly start to float, becau­se healt­hy, well-digested stool should con­sist exclu­si­ve­ly of fiber. And fiber is light and does­n’t sink! And not only that. Your chair will no lon­ger smell! This is becau­se your stool will even­tual­ly no lon­ger be fil­led with the ammo­nia gases from ran­cid, rot­ten fats and pro­te­ins. Pos­si­ble streaks that remain in the lower part of the toi­let after a bowel move­ment are also cau­sed by undi­gested fats and pro­te­ins and beco­me less fre­quent over time (cf. You­Tube Live from Janu­ary 25th, 2022).


It’s com­ple­te­ly okay to have a sin­king stool becau­se as long as you eat well, this is still due to pre­vious stress on the body. It may take time for your stool to be com­ple­te­ly healt­hy, so don’t stress if your stool does­n’t meet healt­hy requi­re­ments for a few more years.

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