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Hydrogen peroxide (H202)

What to think about hydro­gen per­oxi­de? This agent deser­ves more atten­ti­on as a dis­in­fec­tant and clea­ning agent, not just in the kit­chen and bathroom. 

As far as we know, our favo­ri­te aut­hor has never com­men­ted direct­ly on this topic. Howe­ver, Munee­za Ahmed is known to recom­mend hydro­gen per­oxi­de for cer­tain pur­po­ses:
(Munee­za Ahmed is pro­ba­b­ly the best-known prac­ti­tio­ner in Ame­ri­ca, who was his cli­ent for seve­ral years in con­nec­tion with her own serious ill­ness and who has been very suc­cessful in advi­sing peo­p­le around the world using his tea­chings. She gives high­ly recom­men­ded online cour­ses and, under high­ly com­pe­tent lea­der­ship, brings tog­e­ther a streng­thening com­mu­ni­ty of peo­p­le who want to fol­low their heal­ing path with this knowledge.)

  • Fight­ing mold when gro­wing sprouts: Munee­za recom­mends adding 15 ml of 35%igen hydro­gen per­oxi­de to the water you use to rin­se the sprouts dai­ly. (face​book​.com 6:43)
  • Mou­th­wa­sh: A mou­th­wa­sh with hydro­gen per­oxi­de helps clean tee­th and can help whi­ten tee­th. (munee​zaah​med​.com)
  • Hydro­gen per­oxi­de for wound disinfection

Tips for using hydrogen peroxide in the kitchen and bathroom

We can also use the anti­bac­te­ri­al, anti­vi­ral and anti­fun­gal pro­per­ties of hydro­gen per­oxi­de in the kit­chen. H202 is gene­ral­ly con­side­red a rela­tively safe clea­ning agent (at low con­cen­tra­ti­ons).

Pos­si­ble uses in the kitchen:

  • Clea­ning the refrigerator
  • Dis­in­fec­ting the coun­ter­top or cut­ting boards
  • Clea­ning with clea­ning cloths or sponges

Pos­si­ble uses in the bath­room:

You can clean your toi­let insi­de and out with a 3% hydro­gen per­oxi­de solu­ti­on. To do this, sim­ply spray the desi­red area with hydro­gen per­oxi­de, then wait a few minu­tes and then clean and wipe the toi­let (e.g. with toi­let paper, toi­let brush, etc.). The action of the per­oxi­de solu­ti­on is important so that the germs are effec­tively kil­led. You can also use a hig­her con­cen­tra­ti­on (e.g. 10 %) to clean the toi­let and thus shor­ten the expo­sure time. Howe­ver, we stron­gly recom­mend using dis­posable gloves to avo­id skin irri­ta­ti­on on your hands.
Of cour­se, you can also use hydro­gen per­oxi­de for the rest of your bath­room, such as: B. the sink, show­er or mirror.

Den­tal care pro­ducts (Essen­ti­al Oxy­gen con­ta­ins hydro­gen per­oxi­de H202)

Source: 3 %iges Hydro­gen per­oxi­de H202

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