Is a sinking chair really healthier?
No, a really healthy stool should float and not sink to the bottom, because in a healthy stool only the fiber is largely left (diarrhea is of course an exception). If this is the case for you, then you not only consume enough fiber, you also have a well-functioning digestion that can properly utilize all the nutrients. Instead, a rapidly sinking stool is full of undigested fats and proteins. This can indicate that the liver is no longer fully efficient and the production of bile, which is crucial for the absorption of fats, is no longer functioning adequately. Life Changing Foods (p.287). Kindle version).
But: Not every sinking chair is fundamentally bad!
Don’t stress about sinking stools. It happens that the liver intentionally gets rid of excess fat to protect you, not because it has problems.
So if you’ve committed to a healthy diet but your stools are still sinking, then your body is most likely still getting rid of old, rancid fats and proteins from the liver and large and small intestines. If you have had an unhealthy diet for over 20 years, it can take up to 10 years for your stool to float accordingly. (see. Instagram Live from December 5th, 2021).
Intermittent stress can also lead to heavy and sinking stools (Life-Changing Foods (p.287). Hay House. Kindle version).
If you have a variety of digestive problems and suffer from excessive gas formation, your stool may even float without being healthy. Too much ammonia gases also cause the stool to become lighter and float (cf. YouTube Live from January 25th, 2022).
But doesn’t fat float at the top?
Now you might say: “Something’s wrong, I’ve always learned that fat floats on top” (example: olive oil). But here’s a little self-test: Fill a glass with water and add almond butter, peanut butter, tahini, chocolate or almonds to the water. As a result, you will notice: every single food will sink to the bottom of the glass and every single food will have a very high fat content at the same time!
So if you eat healthily for a long time, your stool will eventually start to float, because healthy, well-digested stool should consist exclusively of fiber. And fiber is light and doesn’t sink! And not only that. Your chair will no longer smell! This is because your stool will eventually no longer be filled with the ammonia gases from rancid, rotten fats and proteins. Possible streaks that remain in the lower part of the toilet after a bowel movement are also caused by undigested fats and proteins and become less frequent over time (cf. YouTube Live from January 25th, 2022).
It’s completely okay to have a sinking stool because as long as you eat well, this is still due to previous stress on the body. It may take time for your stool to be completely healthy, so don’t stress if your stool doesn’t meet healthy requirements for a few more years.