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Cinnamon rolls recipe

The basis for this cin­na­mon roll reci­pe are sweet pota­toes, which are rich in glu­co­se. Fil­led with a deli­cious, sweet cin­na­mon-date mix­tu­re and a choice of apple or almonds, they are a temp­ting litt­le bite that is hard to resist. 

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Cin­na­mon Rolls Reci­pe Ingredients:

For the dough: 

For the filling: 

  • 200 g pit­ted Dates
  • 60–180 ml water (this depends extre­me­ly on how firm or soft the dates are) 
  • 1/2 tsp Cin­na­mon
  • Optio­nal: 1 apple and 60 g roas­ted nuts of your choice or 3 tab­les­poons nut butter



First, the sweet pota­toes are pee­led and cut into lar­ge cubes. Then put them in a pot with a steam­er insert and steam them until they are nice and soft, about 10 minu­tes. Avo­id coo­king the sweet pota­toes direct­ly in water, other­wi­se they will beco­me too watery to make dough. 

Next, add map­le syrup, oat flour, pota­to starch and bak­ing pow­der and knead into a dough that should not be too sti­cky. If neces­sa­ry, add more starch. The next step is to put the dough in the fri­dge for at least 30 minu­tes so that it beco­mes firm enough to roll out. If this step is miss­ing, rol­ling out will not work well. 

For the cin­na­mon fil­ling, mix the dates with a litt­le water (60–120 ml) and as much cin­na­mon as you like best into a smooth mixture. 

You can also use chop­ped apple and/or sliver­ed almonds as addi­tio­nal ingre­di­ents for the fil­ling, if desi­red. Alter­na­tively, nut but­ter is also conceivable. 

To make the cas­hew sau­ce, drain the soa­ked nuts and mix with fresh water, map­le syrup and lemon juice. 

Befo­re you roll out the dough, it’s best to sprink­le some pota­to starch on the work sur­face and roll out your dough. Trim the edges to give the cin­na­mon rolls a bet­ter shape. 

Spread the cin­na­mon mix­tu­re even­ly and not too thic­k­ly over the dough and spread the top­ping on top. Using a kni­fe or a piz­za cut­ter, cut a 3–4 cm long strip and careful­ly roll it up. Tre­at the rest of the dough the same way. 

Bake in a pre­hea­ted oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. 

Drizz­le the finis­hed cin­na­mon rolls with the cas­hew sauce. 

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Sophie Wick­ham

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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