
Zinc shock

The zinc shock appli­ca­ti­on is recom­men­ded to streng­then the body. 
Bottle of zinc for zinc shock therapy on wooden board

Zinc Shock Application for Adults:

  • As an adult, give 2 pipet­tes of one every 3 hours high-qua­li­ty, liquid zinc sul­fa­te into your throat
  • Swal­low that Zinc sul­fa­te liquid only after a minute
  • If you can tole­ra­te high amounts of zinc and don’t get sick, then you can repeat this 5–6 times a day
  • After 2 days you should return to your ori­gi­nal dosa­ge of zinc
  • If you are sen­si­ti­ve to zinc, you can adjust the amount or fre­quen­cy of inta­ke accordingly

Zinc Shock Application for Children:

  • 1–2 years: 2 drops (not pipet­tes) in juice, water or direct­ly into the mouth every 3 hours during the day 
  • 3–4 years: 3 drops (not pipet­tes) in juice, water or direct­ly into the mouth every 3 hours during the day 
  • 5–8 years: 4 drops (not pipet­tes) in juice, water or direct­ly into the mouth every 3 hours during the day 
  • 9–12 years: 10 drops (not pipet­tes) in juice, water or direct­ly into the mouth every 3 hours during the day 
  • 13 and over years: 1 pipet­te fil­ling direct­ly into the mouth every 4 hours during the day

Note: The dosa­ge recom­men­da­ti­ons are tho­se of our favo­ri­te aut­hor. We our­sel­ves can­not give any recom­men­da­ti­ons here, as in Ger­ma­ny this is only reser­ved for doc­tors and alter­na­ti­ve practitioners. 

For even more effec­ti­ve sup­port against flu and colds, in addi­ti­on to the zinc shock appli­ca­ti­on, you can also use it Vit­amin C shock appli­ca­ti­on be applied.

Source: Heal yours­elf (p. 593)


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